Trespass Against Us - À Ceux qui Nous ont Offensés

On the French Trespass Against Us SteelBook® edition, the jewelleries get a realistic shine, and there is an amazing bronze glow behind Michael Fassbender.

Torn between loyalty to his father and hope for his children, a man struggles to reassess his criminal life. Starring Michael Fassbender and Brendan Gleeson.

Three generations of the Cutler family live as notorious outlaws among some of the wealthiest lands in Britain. They spend their time hunting, raiding large estates and tormenting the police. In the midst of it all, Chad (Michael Fassbender) finds himself torn between respect for his father (Brendan Gleeson) and a desire for a better life for his children. The law is cracking down on his clan, and the decision might not be his to make…

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  • Release Date
    05 Jul 2017
  • Locations
  • Formats
  • Genres
    Movies + TV
  • Finishes
  • Publisher
    SND/ M6
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