Based on the classic manga, Osamu Tezuka’s Metropolis is the industrial, high-tech city of the future. Duke Red, the unofficial leader of Metropolis, plans to unveil a highly advanced robot named Tima but his violent son Rock distrusts robots and intends to find and destroy Tima. A Japanese detective and his nephew, Kenichi, travel to Metropolis to apprehend a mad scientist but instead find the robot girl. While trying to navigate the confusing labyrinth beneath Metropolis and avoid the people chasing her, Tima and Kenichi form a strong friendship that is tested when Duke Red separates them,endangering not only Tima’s life but also the fate of the universe.
Osamu Tezuka’s other successes include Astro Boy, Kima the White Lion, Black Jack, and Phoenix. The manga and anime were also inspired by the 1927 German silent film of the same name, though Tezuka admitted to never actually seeing the film. With music by Toshiyuki Honda and cinematography by Hitoshi Yamaguchi, Osamu Tezuka’s Metropolis was nominated for Best Film by the Sitges – Catalonian International Film Festival. The English dubbed film includes voice actors such as Brianne Siddall (Digimon), Michael Reisz (writer, Boston Legal), Simon Prescott (Ghost in the Shell), and Rebecca Forstadt (Robotech, Power Rangers: Time Force).
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