Lost Highway

Lost Highway (1997) SteelBook® Edition in 4K Ultra HD™ + Blu-ray™ by Potemkine France & Studio Canal Germany.

With a sleek grey tone, Lost Highway SteelBook® Edition showcases bursts of yellow and red, creating a stunning contrast.

The film follows a musician (Pullman) who begins receiving mysterious VHS tapes of him and his wife (Arquette) in their home.

He is suddenly convicted of murder, after which he inexplicably disappears and is replaced by a young mechanic (Getty) leading a different life.

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  • Release Date
    20 Jun 2023
  • Locations
    France, Germany
  • Formats
    4K + Blu-ray™
  • Genres
    Movies + TV
  • Finishes
  • Publisher
    Potemkine France & Studio Canal Germany
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