
Welcome to SteelBook®

What is a SteelBook® case? Simply put, it is the world’s most prestigious and highly-sought after collectible packaging for home entertainment media such as Blu-ray and Games.

Prized by fans and collectors for its iconic design, luxurious finish and ability to showcase artwork, a SteelBook® edition is a premium metal case that represents the ultimate way to store your favorite movies and games.

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Movies + TV

⚛️ A compelling drama about the physicist who shaped history! Yes, it is the story of the mastermind behind The Manhattan Project, J Robert Oppenheimer aka. The father of the atomic bomb and we’re giving away a SteelBook® edition of Oppenheimer! This highly decorated film is considered one of the top films of the year and this one is wrapped in metal! Perfect protection from the radioactive content inside ☢️ (joking, its perfectly safe). Don’t miss out on this last chance for victory in our weekly #SteelBookGiveAway series! 🕰️

We’re changing up the rules for this one. In order to qualify, simply follow these steps:

1. Be sure to be following @Steelbook.
2. Like this post. 
3. Share this post on your profile and tag us OR tag at least 3 friends in one comment. 
4. Enter before April 26th as the final winner will be announced then. 

Good luck, and thanks for joining us on this journey! Keep an eye out for future giveaways and exciting content!

#Prize #SteelBook #PhysicalMedia #GiveAway #CollectorsEdition #Walmart #WalmartFinds #OwnItForever #Oppenheimer #OppenheimerSteelBook

⭐️ Congratulations! You have beaten the game @kryptonite2099 ! 🎉 And now you can join the Super Mario Bros. on their adventure through Mushroom Kingdom with this classy SteelBook® edition!

We don’t forget about the other players who participated. Big THANK YOU to all of you! And please stay tuned for our final #SteelBookGiveAway from this exhilarating weekly #GiveAway contest. 

We are ready to trigger our *Bonus clue* 🔎: ‘The _ _n_ _tt_ _ Pr_ _e_t’ - Fill in the blanks to reveal the clue and comment your calculations on what the next title may be!

#SteelBook #PhysicalMedia #GiveAway #CollectorsEdition #Walmart #WalmartFinds #OwnItForever #TheSuperMarioBrosTheMovie #TheSuperMarioBrosSteelBook #GiveAwayClue

M🔴🔧L🟢🪠Lets-a-go! The Supper Mario Bros. The Movie - Power Up Edition is up for grabs. This pleasantly neat and iconic SteelBook® edition with glossy black and a satin Super Mushroom 🍄, really draws the eye to an excellent physical media product. ⭐️ 🌈👑🍑 If you want a chance to win this unique and entertaining collectible, then follow the steps below!

Here is how to qualify:

1. Follow @Steelbook.
2. Like this post and share it on your profile.
3. Comment your guess for the next give away title based on our new clue below.
4. Enter before April 19th as winners will be announced then. 

Solve this clue! 🔎: ‘He was a catalyst of a pivotal event’ - See if you can drop the next title in the comments!

#SteelBookGiveAway #Prize #SteelBook #PhysicalMedia #GiveAway #CollectorsEdition #Walmart #WalmartFinds #OwnItForever #TheSuperMarioBrosTheMovie #TheSuperMarioBrosSteelBook #GiveAwayClue

🦇Today we unmask the winner! Welcome to Gotham @movieman934! You will be receiving this limited The Batman SteelBook® edition! 🌟 Congratulations! 👏👏

THANK YOU ALL who entered to win for this round! We are keeping the excitement going with yet another #SteelBookGiveAway! So let’s jump onto the bonus clue for next week’s prize.

*Bonus clue* 🔎: ‘🍄’ - make a comment about the next #GiveAway prize!

#SteelBook #PhysicalMedia #CollectorsEdition #Walmart #WalmartFinds #OwnItForever #TheBatman #TheBatmanSteelBook #GiveAwayClue #GiveAwayPrize
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