My Neighbor Totoro - Mein Nachbar Totoro

The Studio Ghibli is famous for their anime movies, and now German publisher Universum Film is releasing their 80s classic My Neighbor Totoro in a SteelBook® edition  –  this one is treated with a matte varnish. This SteelBook® edition comes with a lot of extra material, including both Blu-ray and DVD and a special collector’s coin. It is a must have for fans of the famous anime studio!

Two young girls, Satsuki and Mei, have moved with their father into a new home in the country, while their mother recovers from illness in a nearby hospital. To their surprise, they soon discover that they share this home with some rather unusual creatures and even stranger neighbours – forest guardians that the girls dub Totoro. When trouble occurs, their new friends will help them rediscover hope.

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  • Release Date
    10 Feb 2017
  • Locations
  • Formats
  • Genres
    Movies + TV
  • Finishes
  • Publisher
    Universum Film
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