Alien: Covenant [North America]

In this sci-fi horror film, which serves as both a sequel to 2012’s Prometheus and a prequel to the larger Alien franchise, a spaceship called the Covenant is forced to make an emergency landing on a seemingly idyllic world. Unfortunately, the crew soon realize that this paradise contains a terrifying threat: the extraterrestrial predator known as the “xenomorph.” Michael Fassbender, Katherine Waterston, Billy Crudup, Danny McBride, and Demián Bichir star in this film from Ridley Scott, director of the original Alien.

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  • Release Date
    15 Aug 2017
  • Locations
    Americas, United States
  • Formats
    4K UHD, Blu-ray
  • Genres
    Movies + TV
  • Finishes
  • Publisher
    Twentieth Century Fox
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